refinement
programme
for
the
Rolls-Royce
Dawn.
劳斯莱斯曜影Mansory高定版,升级了全套Mansory迈莎锐碳纤维包围套件。
The
characteristic
noble
drive
synergises
with
the
sense
of
sports
performance
in
order
to
fulfill
the
high
demands
with
respect
to
looks
and
aerodynamics.
劳斯莱斯曜影升级Mansory全套包围,包围套件包含了前杠,后杠,叶子板,侧裙,全可视碳纤维的引擎盖以及尾翼。
dream
on
wheels
descended
from
above
as
the
Rolls-Royce
Dawn,
a
unique
drophead,
above
which
the
sun
never
sets.
轮毂搭配了22寸的"V.6"黑色轮毂,匹配了前:265/35/22
后:295/35/22
的轮胎。
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文章来源:MANSORY迈莎锐官方