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法拉利SF90SpiderMANSORY 1of1高定版

2024-12-31 08:44:01

  MANSORY presents a further desired BESPOKE super sports car project with the MANSORY F9XX Spider "one of one" based on Ferrari SF90 Spider, the Italian noble brand from Maranello, in a special silver blue color sheme.

  MANSORY迈莎锐 最新发布了一个全新超级跑车定制方案--MANSORY F9XX Spider "one of one",基于法拉利SF90 Spider 升级而来,这台车采用了独特的银蓝色车身配色方案。

法拉利SF90SpiderMANSORY 1of1高定版

法拉利SF90SpiderMANSORY 1of1高定版

  Only the very finest ingredients of automotive refinement art are used in this complete bespoke conversion: a body with lightweight components made of special blue tinted carbon fiber, a significant increase in performance power up to 1,100 HP and 980 Nm with a performance of Vmax 355 km/h and 0-100 km/h in 2.4s.

  整个定制改装项目采用了顶级材料:车身使用特殊蓝色碳纤维轻量化套件,性能大幅提升,最大马力1,100马力,峰值扭矩980牛·米,极速可达355 km/h,0-100 km/h加速仅需2.4秒。

法拉利SF90SpiderMANSORY 1of1高定版

法拉利SF90SpiderMANSORY 1of1高定版

  Suspension modifications, elegantly new designed forged sports rims type ''YT.5 Air", and various interior modifications made of the finest leather and carbon.

  车身还进行了悬挂改装,配备了全新设计的"YT.5 Air"锻造轮毂,并且内饰采用了顶级皮革和碳纤维材料进行精细升级。

法拉利SF90SpiderMANSORY 1of1高定版

法拉利SF90SpiderMANSORY 1of1高定版


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